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A member registered Apr 18, 2018

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The controls are pretty simple and straightforward for anyone who is familiar with this type of game. However, it would be better for you to teach the player what the controls are in the game such as having a tutorial level. When the player is in the spaceship, you could make the E key appear when the player near an interactable object such as the weapon beach or the door.

I am not too sure how does the shield works in the game. Is it suppose to be a power up that you can collect to build up for the ultimate move? 

The game could use more visual feedback. It is very hard to tell if the player is being attacked by the enemy other than losing health on the UI. The reload icon seems to be a placeholder sprite as I could not tell how long it takes to reload the shotgun. You could make the player flash after taking a hit so that they will know that they are getting attacked by an enemy. As for reloading, you could use the slider object in the canvas to show the time taken to reload the gun. I could not comment much about the audio in the game right now since it has not been implemented yet. The enemies need some feedback when they are being hit by the player's bullet such as having a health bar appear in the canvas when it is taking damage.

The enemies in the game are pretty interesting but the one stood out the most is the big guy with the shield as it required some strategy to defeat rather than just keep shooting it until it dies. However, the level design is very inconsistent right now because there are some sections of the game that are very easy and there are other sections where the player will experience a huge difficulty spike. In those rooms, players are overwhelmed with enemies and have very little space to move around. There is also an issue where there are multiple enemy types in one room and the player does not know how to deal with them yet. You could introduce each enemy type in a new room rather than throw them all at the player at once. 

For testing purposes, you could also include a god mode button where the player is invincible, have unlimited ammo and lives so that the tester can test out the rest of the level without having to restart after dying for so many times. I feel that the use of the map as a level selector is pretty interesting but you might need some form of transition from the level and the spaceship because right now it is kind of jarring to reload the level back on the spaceship after the player loses all their lives. You could add a lose screen that appears after the player has lost all their lives with button to quit the game, restart the level or return to the spaceship.